Five Reasons to Take a Stroll Outside

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It finally feels like Spring might actually have arrived, and in 2021 – that is some excellent and well-timed news, indeed. Spring is here - and we are here for it! I decided to celebrate this by taking a nice long, leisurely walk (a little over seven miles, actually) with some friends out on a looped trail at one of our local lakes, and nature did not disappoint. The serenity and calmness of the soft Spring breeze carried away the stressors of the day, much like the rippling waves cascading across the expansive lake. It never ceases to amaze me how something as simple as a stroll outside can lift one’s spirits, and almost immediately. Nature is a cool thing.

Why Get Outdoors

1. It improves your memory.

Research has found that short-term memory can be improved 20% by doing something as simple as taking a walk out in the beauty of nature. That improved mental clarity and heightened levels of focus is a nice benefit that anyone would likely appreciate experiencing.

2. It’s a mood-lifter.

There is this concept called “Green Exercise” that involves exercise that is undertaken in nature. Not surprisingly, people are loving it and scientists are finding a plethora of health benefits. A few of the mental health benefits that caught my attention were a marked improvement in self-esteem and mood, even in as little as five minutes of green exercise. Therefore, the positive effects are nearly instantaneous.

3. It’s a natural source of energy.

Next time you are feeling lethargic, take a step outside and wait a bit. Some studies show that spending 20 minutes outside can recharge us the same amount as one cup of coffee. Talk about a natural high! I for one will not be doing this in order to replace my daily coffee intake, however. That is one beverage I enjoy all too much. Besides, sipping a cup of coffee while outside some mornings out on the deck is pretty great in itself. However, if a post-lunch mid-afternoon lull sets in, I may find myself taking a quick breather outdoors as I prepare myself to tackle the rest of my day.

4. It is good for your health.

It can lead to improved health. Plus it’s free! A small sampling of benefits researchers have been continuing to find include a lowered risk of diabetes and cardiac events, decreased blood pressure, and even an improved immunity.

5. It is fun!

This last one is more of a subjective statement, because the concept of “fun” varies from one person’s opinion to the next and whether someone believes something is fun or not, well that is more of a gut intuition. For example, I think running is super fun, but I’ll bet I can find a whole lot of people who will vehemently disagree with me on that one. But nature being fun? I know I can find a bunch of people to get on board with that statement.

It’s Time to Get Outside

Have I convinced you to give the great outdoors a try? There are so many benefits, far more than I covered today. We’ve only just begun to scratch the surface. Albert Einstein once said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Perhaps the next time you’ve got a big decision to make, you’re feeling unmotivated, or perhaps you’re just a bit sleepy, get up and take a leisurely stroll outside and experience whatever happens next. After all, a big wide world full of adventure awaits you, so get out there and find it.

Questions, comments, or just need to chat? Send me a direct message via LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.

Cheers until next time,




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